Tag Archives: trailblazer

Challenge #11 – An unwanted experience, & the resultant challenges

Now as Matthew has so kindly pointed out in a previous blog post, I am indeed currently in the process of returning from a minor physical set back, which reared its ugly head in the form of a broken hand and arm. To say broken would perhaps not do justice to the structural damage which my hand suffered; perhaps decimated, destroyed or ruined provide a more accurate descriptor. Take your pick. To fully explain what has proven to be a minor ordeal, resulting in a somewhat slow start to the year 2012, I will return to the end of January, and to an event which I would prefer to erase from my memory bank. Venturing to remote Central Australia to take part in an indigenous medical placement, the beginning of my remote and isolated experience was proving to be incredibly enlightening, both clinically and culturally.

View of Kata Tjuta from the plane.

However, participating in a seemingly harmless walk up a local gorge on a peaceful Summer Sunday afternoon would prove to be a vastly different to expected experience, and with it came running an array of challenges. The sensual wonder of birds chirping, fresh water running, wind rustling native grasses, sun warming the back of the neck and smell of flowers would be adequate for most, yet I still felt a sense of existential angst; I could feel the inner stupidity of my teenage boy begging to me (if only I had chosen to complete my placement post-adolescence). Crooning my head upwards to see the peak of the gorge, suddenly the wondrous sounds which had previously been resonating romantically from wall to wall were replaced with the incessant taunting of mother earth, ‘climb this gorge’ it challenged me.

Like the ever so ego-centric teenage boy who could not handle being emasculated, a characteristic which I had indeed been beginning to become proud of riding myself from, I took to the task like a bull at a red flag. And failed. Emphatically. To summarise what I would like to think of a gallant attempt (which in reality was more akin to a chicken with one wing trying to fly), I fell from a decent distance on to my outstretched left upper limb. As you may well have guessed, this little fall of mine culminated in a definitely unwanted predicament. A radial styloid avulsion fracture, shattered 2nd metacarpal, severe soft tissue damage, a 50 hour wait without painkillers, 5 hour 4WD ride, 2 plane flights, 5 x-rays, a CT, 2 operations, a small mechano set inside my hand (3 wires and 3 pins), intensive massage and finger-exercises to reduce swelling and a 12 week lay-off, yesterday I finally received the sweetest of news – I could, for a few hours a day at my discretion, remove my splint AND, commence running.

Uluru - Not the way i had planned to visit.

I am sure that everyone can associate with the experience of completing a CV and getting towards the end where hides the section titled ‘Interests and hobbies’, with this segment quite often being the most enjoyable part of an otherwise monotonous and laboursome activity. For as long as I can recall, my first entry to this section has undoubtedly and without hesitation been ‘SPORT!!!’ (for the sake of professional presentation I refrain from the use of capitalization and excessive exclamation marks. Normally). Now, due to a 10 week Andean Odyssey and 12 week injury, I had not participated in any premeditated form of exercise for a considerable period of time. Today, out on my first run, the wind blowing through my luscious locks and Matt riding shotgun provided a truly unforgettable experience. Needless to say we were indeed moving at a snail’s pace, so it is arguable that will most likely turn into another experience I will wish to erase from my memory.

Not the best that my left hand has ever looked.

Just like how the hare won the race, slow and steady will have to be my motto for the present, as I attempt to regain some form of cardiovascular fitness. With many upcoming physical challenges this year, including Tough Mudder in September, a 50km Trailblazer in October, Everest Base Camp and a yet to be determined marathon I undoubtedly have a long way to go, but I am most definitely looking forward to the challenge of getting back in the pool, on the bike, pulling on my runners as well as eventually returning to the gym.

Firstly Matt, cheers for coming along today. Secondly, better keep training hard, I’ll be close behind soon and as Road Runner says, ‘Beep. Beep’. Wish me luck , I’ll need it.

~ Connor

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